Barion Pixel

Character Information

offlineLv. 581Simalaya

Blood Moon Warrior

Autumn Wind Fan +9
Min. lvl: 30
Mag. Damage: 113-125
Damage: 115-146
Attack Speed +15%
Average Damage 19%
Skill Damage -7%
Strength against Animals +10%
Strength against Devils +10%
Intelligence +12
Strength against Undead +5%
Intelligence +5
[ Shaman ]
Platinum helmet +0
Min. lvl: 255
Defense: 820
Defence against Humans +10%
Max. HP +36000
Wind Resistance 10%
SP Regeneration +20%
Strenght against Elephants +10%
Strength against Mystics +10%
HP Regeneration +20%
Intelligence +5
Defence chance against ninja attacks: 5%
Platinum cloth +6
Min. lvl: 395
Defense: 4744
Max. HP +56000
Max. SP +12000
Defence against Humans +17%
Magic Resistance 10%
10% damage will be absorbed by HP
Two-Handed Defence 4%
Dagger Defence 10%
10% Chance to reflect close combat hits
Intelligence +5
Defence chance against sura attacks: 5%
Aqua Stone Defence +9
Aqua Stone Evasion +9
Aqua Stone Ducking +9
[ Shaman ]
Platinum Shield +0
Min. lvl: 275
Defense: 950
Defence against Humans +10%
Max. HP +36000
Chance to block a close-combat attack 10%
Strenght against Fishes +10%
20% Chance for EXP Bonus
Intelligence +12
Strength against Undead +10%
Strenght against Desert +5%
Intelligence +5
Bracelet of Ganesha +9
Min. lvl: 310
Max. HP +25000
HP Regeneration +12%
Luck +8
Strength against monsters +24%
Strength against Devils +20%
Strenght against Elephants +20%
5% Chance for piercing Hits
20% Chance to drop double the Items
Strength against Plants +10%
Intelligence +5
{YY_YIN} Power of Yin+15%
Intelligence +15
Platinum boots +0
Min. lvl: 355
Defense: 625
Defence against Humans +10%
Max. HP +36000
Chance of critical hit +2%
Blackout chance 2%
Max. SP +50
4% Chance for EXP Bonus
Sword Defence 4%
Strength against monsters +10%
Intelligence +5
Card of Fishermen
Gives you 5% chance to get special items when fishing.
Card of Grandiose
You receive 100% more exp.
Kamakura Costume (F)
Intelligence +5
Strength against Wonders+5%
Armura unui războinic din perioada Kamakura.
Rose Crystal Fan
Attack Speed +5%
Strength against monsters +5%
[ Shaman ]
Pyrois {S1}{S1}{S1}
Max. HP +5000
Blessing extension +5%
Attack Speed +15%
Intelligence +5
Strength against Shamans +10%
Blessing extension +6%

Astral Reindeer Summoner
Vitality +10
Intelligence +10
Strength +10
Dexterity +10
Luck +10
Intelligence +5
Luck +5
Blessing extension +6%
Cursed cat seal
Defence against monsters +7%
Intelligence +5
Max. SP +500
Blessing extension +10%
This seal summons the Cursed Cat.
Poison panther summoner
Max. HP +1000
Strength against Plants +5%
Intelligence +5
With this item, you can summon the dreaded Poison Panther.
Wild rhinoceros seal
Attack Value +50
Intelligence +5
Strenght against Elephants +5%
This seal summons the Wild Rhiconeros.
Bones seal
Max. HP +5000
Strength against monsters +15%
Defence against Humans +10%
Intelligence +5
Strength against Wonders+5%
Blessing extension +6%
This seal summons Boney.
