Platinum bow +0Min. lvl: 375
Damage: 5059-5926
Attack Speed +15%
Strength against Half Humans +12%
Average Damage -29%
Skill Damage 20%
Chance of critical hit +5%
Casting Speed +20%
Strength against Orcs +10%
Strength against Ninjas +10%
Defence chance against ninja attacks: 5%
Aqua Stone Cooldown+9
Aqua Stone Ninjas+9
Aqua Stone Deathblow +9
[ Ninja ]
Platinum helmet +0
Min. lvl: 255
Defense: 820
Defence against Humans +10%
Max. HP +36000
Strenght against Elephants +20%
SP Regeneration +20%
Strength against Half Humans +10%
Magic Resistance 15%
HP Regeneration +20%
Defence chance against ninja attacks: 5%
Strength against Ninjas +10%
Resistance against critical hits +8%
Platinum suit +0Min. lvl: 395
Defense: 4500
Max. HP +50000
Max. SP +6000
Defence against Humans +11%
Sword Defence 15%
Arrow Defence 15%
5% damage will be absorbed by HP
6% Chance to reflect close combat hits
Dagger Defence 15%
Strength against Ninjas +10%
Defence chance against ninja attacks: 5%
Aqua Stone Evasion +9
Aqua Stone Vitality +9
[ Ninja ]
Platinum Shield +0
Min. lvl: 275
Defense: 950
Defence against Humans +10%
Max. HP +36000
Strength against Half Humans +10%
Strength against Orcs +10%
Chance to block a close-combat attack 10%
Ice resistance +10%
Defence against blackouts
Strength against Ninjas +10%
Defence chance against ninja attacks: 5%
Resistance against Skill Damage 9%
Platinum earrinngs +0
Min. lvl: 295
Strength against Half Humans +10%
Max. HP +36000
Chance of critical hit +2%
Poison Resistance 4%
Arrow Defence 15%
Sword Defence 10%
Dagger Defence 15%
Movement Speed 4%
Defence chance against ninja attacks: 5%
Strength against Ninjas +10%
Defence against Humans +12%
Platinum bracelet +0
Min. lvl: 335
Strength against Half Humans +10%
Max. HP +36000
HP Regeneration +2%
Strength against Devils +10%
Magic Resistance 15%
Strength against Orcs +10%
5% damage will be absorbed by HP
10% Chance for piercing Hits
Defence chance against ninja attacks: 5%
Defence chance against warrior attacks: 5%
Defence against Humans +12%
Platinum necklace +0
Min. lvl: 315
Strength against Half Humans +10%
Max. HP +36000
2% Chance for piercing Hits
Dagger Defence 15%
Two-Handed Defence 10%
Sword Defence 15%
Arrow Defence 15%
HP Regeneration +20%
Strength against Ninjas +10%
Defence chance against ninja attacks: 5%
Defence against Humans +20%
Platinum boots +0
Min. lvl: 355
Defense: 625
Defence against Humans +10%
Max. HP +36000
Sword Defence 10%
Arrow Defence 15%
Chance of critical hit +10%
Slowing chance 5%
Dagger Defence 15%
Defence chance against ninja attacks: 5%
Strength against Ninjas +10%
Resistance against piercing hits +8%
Card of SpellsAll of your teammates casting speed is increased by 5% (including you).
Card of Mirrors10% of the damages are mirrored back to your enemy.
Card of ShelterAll of your teammates defense is increased by 15% (including you).
Santa Costume (W)Max. HP +10000
Strength against Sura +10%
Defence chance against ninja attacks: 5%
Fufy summoner20% Chance to drop double Yang
Strength against Half Humans +10%
Defence against Humans +10%
Defence chance against warrior attacks: 5%
Defence chance against ninja attacks: 5%
Max. HP +5000
With this seal you can summon Muffin, the chilling comat chicken.
DracorhinusStrength against Half Humans +10%
Defence against Humans +5%
Defence chance against ninja attacks: 5%
Defence chance against warrior attacks: 5%
This mount can fly!
Magical Scorpion SummonerMax. HP +5000
Fatal Damage +10%
Defence chance against ninja attacks: 5%
Defence chance against shaman attacks: 5%
Strenght aginst bosses +14%
With this seal, you can summon the legendary Magic Scorpion's clone who's been banished to hell.
Bones sealMax. HP +5000
Strength against monsters +15%
Defence against Humans +10%
Defence chance against warrior attacks: 5%
Defence chance against shaman attacks: 5%
Max. HP +4500
This seal summons Boney.
Rock Rhinoceros seal
Max. HP +7000
Chance of critical hit +50%
Defence chance against ninja attacks: 5%
Defence chance against shaman attacks: 5%
Max. HP +4000