Barion Pixel

Character Information

offlineLv. 582Godaman35

Yin-Yang Warrior

Bloodmoon broadsword +9
Min. lvl: 510
Damage: 6180-7055
Attack Speed +24%
Strength against monsters +33%
Bloodmoon force +25%
Average Damage 50%
Skill Damage -16%
Strength +12
5% Chance for piercing Hits
Strength against Wonders+10%
Bloodmoon force +15%
Strength against monsters +10%
Strength against Metin Stones +20%
Bloodmoon stone+9
Aqua Stone Monsters +9
Aqua Stone Penetration +9
[ Warrior ]
Bloodmoon helmet +9
Min. lvl: 510
Defense: 2010
HP Regeneration +27%
Magical Defence +55
Defence against monsters +7%
Bloodmoon force +25%
Strength against Mystics +10%
Strength against Plants +10%
Strenght against Hell +4%
Attack Speed +8%
10% damage will be absorbed by SP
Strength against monsters +10%
Bloodmoon force +15%
Strength against Metin Stones +16%
Bloodmoon armor +9
Min. lvl: 510
Defense: 7180
Max. HP +95000
Defence against monsters +5%
Bloodmoon force +25%
Fire Resistance 15%
10% Chance to reflect close combat hits
10% damage will be absorbed by HP
10% damage will be absorbed by SP
Arrow Defence 10%
Strength against monsters +10%
Bloodmoon force +15%
Strength against Metin Stones +20%
Aqua Stone Defence +9
Aqua Stone Evasion +9
Aqua Stone Haste +9
[ Warrior ]
Bloodmoon shield +9
Min. lvl: 510
Defense: 2280
Magical Defence +220
Defence against monsters +5%
Bloodmoon force +25%
Strength against Mystics +4%
Chance to block a close-combat attack 15%
Defence against blackouts
6% Chance to reflect close combat hits
Strength +12
Strength against monsters +10%
Bloodmoon force +15%
Strength against Metin Stones +16%
Bloodmoon earrinngs +9
Min. lvl: 510
Max. HP +80000
Strenght aginst bosses +10%
Dexterity +15
Strength against monsters +24%
Bloodmoon force +25%
Movement Speed 20%
Strenght against Fishes +10%
Bell Defence 10%
Strength against Wonders+10%
Sword Defence 15%
Bloodmoon force +15%
Strength against monsters +10%
Bloodmoon force +30%
Bloodmoon bracelet +9
Min. lvl: 510
Max. HP +80000
HP Regeneration +15%
Strength +15
Strength against monsters +24%
Bloodmoon force +25%
10% damage will be absorbed by HP
Strength against Orcs +10%
Strength against Undead +10%
Strenght against Hell +4%
10% Chance for piercing Hits
Strength against monsters +10%
Bloodmoon force +15%
Intelligence +13
Bloodmoon necklace +9
Min. lvl: 510
Max. HP +80000
20% Chance for piercing Hits
Chance of critical hit +10%
Bloodmoon force +25%
Max. SP +200
20% Chance to drop double Yang
2% damage will be absorbed by SP
HP Regeneration +30%
20% Chance for EXP Bonus
Bloodmoon force +15%
Strength against monsters +10%
Strength against Metin Stones +18%
Bloodmoon boots +9
Min. lvl: 510
Defense: 1700
Movement Speed 40%
Max. HP +80000
Bloodmoon force +25%
Slowing chance 5%
Sword Defence 10%
20% Chance for EXP Bonus
Attack Speed +8%
Chance of critical hit +2%
Strength against monsters +10%
Bloodmoon force +15%
Strength against Metin Stones +20%
Card of Slayers
Your damage is 5% higher against bosses.
Card of Mirrors
10% of the damages are mirrored back to your enemy.
Card of Grandiose
You receive 150% more exp.
Wolfhunter Costume {MALE}
Max. HP +2500
Strength against monsters +5%
Strength against Metin Stones +8%
Attack Value +100
Attack Value +50
Strength against Ninjas +10%
Bloodmoon hair (m)
Strength against monsters +5%
Wolfhunter Longsword
Strength against monsters +8%
Strenght aginst bosses +6%
HP Regeneration +20%
[ Warrior ]
Coral Deer
Attack Value +500
Strength against monsters +20%
Strength against Metin Stones +20%
Strenght aginst bosses +20%
Bloodmoon force +15%
Strength against monsters +10%
Strength against Metin Stones +20%
Graceful and vibrant, this in-game creature wanders the world with coral-adorned antlers, captivating players with its ethereal beauty.
Max. HP +20000
Attack Value +300
Bloodmoon force +25%
Strength against Metin Stones +10%
Bloodmoon force +15%
Strength against monsters +10%
Strength against Metin Stones +16%
Leviathan {S3}{S3}{S3}
Max. HP +15000
Strength against monsters +15%
Strength against Half Humans +15%
Strength against Metin Stones +15%
Strength against monsters +10%
Bloodmoon force +15%
Strength against Metin Stones +18%
This mount can fly!

Death Dragon
Attack Value +750
Strength +15
Dexterity +15
Item drop chance increased by 10%
Strength against Metin Stones +5%
Strength against monsters +10%
Bloodmoon force +15%
Strength against Metin Stones +18%
This mount can fly!
Max. HP +15000
Strength against Metin Stones +20%
Strenght aginst bosses +20%
Strength against monsters +10%
Attack Value +300
Strength against monsters +10%
Bloodmoon force +15%
Strength against Metin Stones +20%
Max. HP +10000
Attack Value +350
Strength against monsters +15%
Strength against Metin Stones +15%
Bloodmoon force +15%
Strength against monsters +10%
Strength against Metin Stones +16%
